January 30, 2021

SUNY Empire's Accountability Challenge

by Anita DeCianni-Brown, Career Development Coordinator

New Year – New Goals! Many of us start the year off with setting some new goals. They may include:  fitness, health, overall wellness, finances, academics and/or career. But after the first couple weeks of the year, life creeps in and we hit a couple bumps as we work toward achieving those goals. If we had a group or place to state our small goals for a week, over time that could lead us to bigger accomplishments. That’s why we are kicking off the SUNY Empire Accountability Challenge!

Join in SUNY Empire’s Accountability Challenge! This challenge will run from February 1 – April 11. Each week, we will have some goal setting, holding each other accountable and checking in to see progress! Sign up today at: https://esc.formstack.com/forms/accountability_challenge!

Questions?  Contact Anita DeCianni-Brown at Anita.Brown@esc.edu


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