Frequent College Contacts
The following information will help you identify the right person and how to contact them. Click the "+" to expand each section.
Contact your mentor for help with:
- academic records
- degree planning
- choosing studies for the next term, including cross-registration
- solving problems related to studies and academic skills.
Find your mentor in the college directory.
Note: Your mentor's college email address is based on this pattern: (note the period between the first and last name). For example, Jane Smith's email address would be
Contact 1Stop Student Services with questions regarding:
- Admissions
- Registration
- Financial Aid
- Billing
- Navigating University Web Applications
- Other Administrative Services
Phone: 800-847-3000, ext. 2285
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am to 5 pm (EST)
Holiday hours, when applicable, are posted on MySUNYEmpire.
Contact your Student Success Coordinator for assistance with:
- Understanding the mentor-student relationship
- Assistance navigating SUNY Empire systems
- Individualized coaching and extra support
- First-year student engagement workshops
Phone: 1-800-847-3000 ext. 1110
Contact your Academic Problem Resolution Team for help with the following:
- Filing an academic appeal or student grievance
- Questions about administrative procedures, incompletes
- Difficulty with another student
- Problems you have not been able to resolve with your mentor
Contact Accessibility Services and Resources Team for the following resources:
Accessibility Resources and Services Registration and Accommodations Request
Office of Accessibility Resources and Services Student Handbook
Office of Accessibility Resources and Services Forms
Community Resources
Or email with any questions
Contact your Academic Support Team for the following resources:
- Writing, reading, mathematics, and statistics assistance
- Online and regional tutoring/learning coach services
- Study skills (critical thinking, time management, and more)
- Workshops to help you be successful in your courses
Or email Academic Support at with questions.
Empire State University recognizes that many students experience housing issues, food insecurity, and financial issues that may make it difficult to continue your studies. To ensure you are successful in your studies, contact our basic needs coordinator to discuss potential resources to help you continue your studies and reach your goals.
Phone: 718-907-5758
Contact the IT Service Desk with questions about university technology:
Phone number:
888-Help-009 (888-435-7009)
Visit the service desk website for hours, request help, or search the knowledge base.
The Empire State University Online Library
Reference and other library services are provided by the university's professional librarians during day, evening, and weekend hours via email, phone, chat, and web.
Contact the university librarians with questions about conducting research.
Phone Number:
800-847-3000, ext. 2222
Sunday: 1-9 p.m. ET
Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m.-9 p.m. EST
Friday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. ET
Holiday hours, when applicable, are posted as an announcement on MySUNYEmpire.
Note: If the librarian is offline, please ask your question using the Ask a Librarian form or one of the other methods listed above.
Please contact the Director of Human Resources and Interim Title IX Director Lindsay Holcomb.
Title IX Coordinator Contact Information:
Phone: 518-581-2239
Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Policies
Discrimination Complaints
If you feel you have been discriminated against, please contact Lindsay Holcomb, director of human resources.
Contact Information:
Phone: 518-581-2239
Discrimination Complaint Procedure
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