Your Vote Counts! Take the Time to Register Today

Empire State University students span the country and the world. Your influence as a group is significant! Please take the time to register to vote today and use this awesome power. Whether you are registering in New York state, or another state or territory of the United States, it is important that you take the time to register and vote, so that your voice is heard in our democracy. Below, you will find useful links to facts for voter registration and deadlines in New York.

Voter Registration

Absentee Ballot

General Election Deadlines and Voting Calendar

Rules vary from state to state concerning cutoff dates for registration and address changes. Information for all the states can be found on the website.

New York State Voter Registration Deadlines

National Voter Registration Deadlines

  • For information and deadlines on a state-by-state basis, please visit

Voter Registration Resources


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800-847-3000, ext. 2285