The Center for Autism Advocacy:
Research, Education, and Supports (CAARES) conducts research, provides education, and delivers supports to better serve Autistic and neurodivergent individuals in the classroom, workplace, and beyond. CAARES commits to be informed by Autistic and neurodivergent individuals, caregivers, and research. In partnership with Anderson Center for Autism, CAARES is working within SUNY Empire to build an Autistic Supportive College, deliver community and professional outreach, and provide career support for Autistic and neurodivergent college students. It seeks to provide workforce development for professionals and business in increasing inclusive practices, conduct innovative research with and in support of Autistic and neurodivergent individuals, and continuing to work in partnership with Autistic and neurodivergent individuals and organizations across the globe.
Mission: CAARES’ mission is to provide universally designed and community-informed resources to support equitable access for Autistic and neurodivergent individuals through advocacy-based research, educational initiatives, and global supports.
Vision: CAARES’ vision is to shape inclusive environments that create a sense of belonging for Autistic and neurodivergent people.

SUNY Empire: An Autistic-Supportive University
Despite the growing number of Autistic individuals who seek a college degree, the number of colleges addressing their needs is not growing fast enough. To date, no colleges offer supports for students with Autism in fully online programs. CAARES in partnership with Anderson Center for Autism, is working on shaping an autistic supportive college through a multi-tiered system (MTSS) of support structure.
We are proud to be led by an MTSS implementation team spearheaded by Autistic individuals and caregivers within the autism community. The team also includes members of SUNY Empire faculty, data scientists, and other professionals.

Meet the CAARES’ Team
SUNY Empire Master of Science in ABA
Partners in Applied Behavior Analysis Conference
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