Reporting Compliance Concerns and Fraud
We all have a responsibility for creating and maintaining a compliance conscious environment. This includes asking questions if you are not sure what to do and raising concerns if you see something that you don't think is right. Early recognition and reporting of a problem can prevent something small from evolving into a bigger problem for the university.
For Empire State University employees who have had suspicious activity occur with their university issued credit card, please contact the P-card administrator
Reporting Options
If you suspect fraud, waste, abuse or irregular activities you should report your concerns privately to:
- Your supervisor and the Empire State University Controller, Karen Lehoe,
Or you may also report these allegations anonymously to the University Auditor in the methods listed below:
Voicemail: | (518) 320-1539 |
Fax: | (518) 320-1564 |
Write to: |
State University Of New York |
All allegations and concerns submitted to the University Auditor will be reviewed by a committee of SUNY System Administration officials in accordance with SUNY fraud procedures.
All allegations and concerns submitted to Empire State University Controller will be reviewed by the Controller in consultation with the appropriate stakeholders for a resolution. The Internal Control Officer will be notified of every submitted concern.
Retaliation against anyone who reports suspected fraud in good faith under this process is strictly prohibited. If false allegations are made, they may result in disciplinary actions against the reporter subject to the appropriate collective bargaining unit.
Other Reporting Options
Office of the State Comptroller – Fraud Hotline 1-888-672-4555
The SUNY Research Foundation Ethics Hotline 1-800-670-7225
SUNY Research Foundation Internal Audit Contacts