The Department of Business, International Business and Marketing

The Department of Business, International Business and Marketing, and the faculty in this department, serve students who are interested in pursuing future careers as business leaders and professionals in public, private, nonprofit and/or international organizations. The program provides a solid foundation of theoretical, conceptual and applied knowledge in the areas of business, international business and marketing.

Students in this department will explore contemporary issues in domestic and international business, management, marketing, economics and trade. In addition, students will develop analytical assessment, information management, communication and research skills, as well as administration, supervision, management and leadership skills.

The Department of Business, International Business and Marketing, in addition to the A.A. and A.S. degrees, offers the following bachelor's degree programs:

Nondegree Students

Taking individual courses as a nondegree student is possible and will offer you the same range of courses and rigorous standards as degree-seeking undergraduate students. Even if you’re not pursuing a degree, you can take courses to prepare for university-level study, stay current in your field, or improve your job skills.

Undergraduate Certificates

We also offer four undergraduate certificate programs:

Certificate programs help the student develop concentrated knowledge in a chosen area. The certificates can stand alone or be incorporated into a formal degree program. While requirements vary, the student will usually complete four or more courses that provide foundational and advanced learning in the topic.