Frequently Asked Questions

A Resource for Students, Faculty and Staff

The information provided below is designed to assist various on-and-off-campus constituents in locating answers to some commonly asked questions.

Please note that the information provided below represents a condensed version of the information provided elsewhere within the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services website. Links have been provided within some questions to assist you in locating more in-depth information.

Click on a question to view the answer.

Students request accommodations based on their experiences with their disabilities, and therefore, accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis. There is no list of accommodations to choose from. Students have to determine what modifications to the study would accommodate their disabilities and share that information with the Office of Accessibility Resources & Services.

The first question you should ask yourself is "How am I struggling in my studies?" The answer to that question will usually lead you to the modifications that you need to accommodate your disability. You should also talk with the staff in the accessibility office. They can talk with you about your disability and any accommodations that you have used in the past, if any. 

No. You are not obligated to inform the university of your disability during the admissions process. The presence of a disability will not influence your admission to the university at all.

No. Reasonable accommodations are provided by the university at no cost to the student.

Students with disabilities are eligible to apply for TAP funds on the basis of part-time study. To learn more about this option, please visit our Part-time TAP Application page If you would like to seek other funding sources, we recommend that you search the Internet through a search engine like Google. If you type in "Scholarships for university  students with disabilities" you should be able to locate additional resources.

No. You only have to request accommodations if you want to use them in your studies. Accommodations will not be suggested or offered unless you identify yourself as a student with a disability and request them.

Identifying as a student with a disability to the Accessibility Resources & Services Office and requesting accommodations invokes the protection of the state and federal disability laws. Talking with your mentor, or any other staff at the university, about what modifications you may need in the study does not. Please visit the Register with Accessibility Services and Request Accommodations page to request accommodations or visit the Office of Accessibility Services Student Handbook pages to learn more about disability services at Empire State University.

Waiving requirements or other academic decisions are not accommodations. They are handled separate to the accommodation process. These requests necessitate the review of your center dean and, possibly, the Office of Academic Affairs. The Accessibility Resources & Services Office can help you determine whether or not your request for accommodations is actually a request that requires an academic decision. More information about general education requirements is available.

No. The law does not require the university to purchase personal services, equipment or aids for you. You are responsible for providing your own equipment for home use.

Yes. Any student who enrolls in a study at Empire University and has a disability is entitled to accommodations under the laws.

No. It is the student's responsibility to determine whether or not a disability is present. The law does not require the college to identify and evaluate students who may have disabilities. More information about what to do if you suspect you have a disability is available.

New York's Chapter 219 law requires that the student purchase the print version of the textbook in order to obtain a free electronic text copy of the book. This is done to protect the publisher's and author's copyright interests. 

If you would like to use an audiobook this may be available through Learning Ally. Audiobooks through Learning Ally do not require students to purchase a printed copy of the textbook. Interested students may complete Learning Ally’s waiver application to have the subscription expense reduced or completely waived.

Each college has a staff member who is responsible for accommodating students with disabilities for that campus. If you think you will need accommodations, you should determine who that person is and make contact. You can usually find this information by going to the college's web site and searching the site using the words "disability services." When you contact the person responsible for accommodations at the other college, contact him or her and talk about your situation. The other college may require you to provide documentation of your disability. Each college has different policies and procedures. You will have to follow their procedures to receive accommodations on their campus.

Documentation is required for only a few specific accommodation requests at SUNY Empire. Documentation is typically only required if your accommodation request is forwarded to the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services.

More information about Documentation is available.

If you are required to provide documentation, or if you wish to provide the documentation to the college regardless of whether it is required or not, you can fax it to 518-584-3098 or mail it to:

Office of Accessibility Resources and Services
SUNY Empire State College
113 West Avenue
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

Contact us

If you have any questions related to accessibility resources and services, you can find additional information on the frequently asked questions page, or you may contact the accessibility resources staff at:

Office of Accessibility Resources and Services
Phone: 800-847-3000, ext. 2244
Fax: 518-584-3098
NYS Relay Service 800-421-1220