What is Microsoft 365?
Microsoft 365 (M365) is Microsoft's cloud version of Microsoft 365 that includes Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook, OneNote, Publisher, OneDrive and Skype for Business. If you have access to the internet, you can access the online version of these applications. Although robust, online applications do have some limited functionality. Students can also download the full Microsoft 365 suite on multiple devices, including PCs, Macs, Android tablets, Android phones, iPads, and iPhones.
How do I get M365?
Your Microsoft 365 Outlook license becomes active upon acceptance to Empire State University. Your full Microsoft 365 license will become active after registering for your first class with SUNY Empire.
In your personal email, look for the "Welcome to Microsoft 365" email detailing the steps to access Microsoft 365 and your university email.
Getting Started - University Email
Email is an official communication channel at SUNY Empire. You have been provided with a Microsoft 365 Outlook email box for your personal use while an active student with SUNY Empire. This Microsoft 365 email license will allow you to conduct your university business using your official university email address.
Please login at www.sunyempire.edu/email and check your university email regularly for important updates.
The email address and password to access your mailbox will be the same as your SUNY Empire login.
(firstname_lastname### @sunyempire.edu)
If you would like to request to forward your university email to your personal email account, or update your personal email address on file with the university, visit SUNY Empire Student Email Forward Settings.
You also have the option to download the Microsoft 365 suite to your computer, laptop, or mobile device:
- Log into Microsoft 365 online
- You will use your university user name and password to log into the Microsoft 365 portal.
- Click on "Install Office" in the upper right corner of the Microsoft 365 Portal home page.
For more information, contact the IT Service Desk at 888-435-7009 or submit an incident ticket.