Role of the Tutor

The peer tutor will:

  • develop a set schedule and firm boundaries with the tutee.
  • follow an agreed upon way of communicating with the tutee.
  • keep to the agreed schedule with tutee, especially in cases where the tutoring session requires rescheduling.
  • keep accurate records of each tutoring session and record a summary of what was covered in each tutoring session.
  • plan in advance and be prepared for scheduled tutoring sessions.
  • conduct himself/herself in a professional manner at all times.
  • respect the tutee's boundaries and privacy, and will not discuss tutoring services provided to the tutee with anyone other than a member from the Office of Academic Support.
  • notify the Office of Academic Support immediately if he/she feels the tutee is asking to provide services beyond the scope of their responsibilities, such as doing their homework or asking questions which should be handled by the instructor of the course.
  • contact the Office of Academic Support immediately if he/she feels that the tutee is asking for too much of their time, contacting outside the agreed schedule or acting inappropriately.
  • not contact tutee's instructor or mentor for any reason, but will suggest the tutee communicate with instructor and/or mentor if the need arises. Information for the tutee's mentor or instructor will be directed to the Office of Academic Support for distribution.
  • complete the Tutee Progress Report.rtf (file 142kB) every two weeks, while he/she works with the tutee.
  • contact the Office of Academic Support to request the student be reassigned if he/she feels their services are not benefiting the tutee.
  • provide feedback to the Office of Academic Support to improve the Peer Tutor Program using the Tutor Feedback Form.rtf (file 168kB).

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