3D Animation – “Before It’s Time To Say Goodnight – A Bedtime Lullaby”

By Diane Baumann

Nighttime scene with moon shinning down on an owl on a branch

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Fear and uncertainty can develop in children under normal circumstances, but the lockdown brought on by the pandemic escalated the fears and anxiousness. Behavioral development sessions in schools were now missing in their lives because of this situation. These sessions are important to children as they need these teacher/student discussions to develop their socialization skills.

Children love to read and listen to music. During the pandemic, the parents found themselves as substitute teachers, teaching the children what would have been taught in school. There is no doubt that the children love it when the parents sit down and read with them. The bonding with parents and giving guidance during this difficult time helps to relieve fears and worry in young children. Of course, the extra love and attention goes a long way too!!

The premise of this bedtime lullaby helps the children to understand that night sounds are not so scary and are caused by the natural sounds of nature and not monsters. In addition, the music is soothing which helps to calm the children. The lockdown provided more time for me to explore and develop my creative endeavors. This story was a picture book I wrote and the 3D animation I developed during the pandemic is the musical component to the story.