Strategic Plan Elevate '28
Phase II, Academic Affairs
On Monday, June 12th at 1pm, the OAA Strategic Planning Committee held a second community meeting to review its progress and present revised objectives and S.M.A.R.T. goals. The meeting was primarily dedicated to gathering more community input and feedback. A follow up feedback survey was administered, and the results informed the final draft which was submitted to the Provost on June 30th.
Currently, strategic plan drafts from each of the divisions are under review with the President’s Cabinet. Once Cabinet review is complete, the final version will be shared in August to support the development of tactics for each goal and funding requests to support tactic implementation. The timeline for a complete list of tactics and strategic initiative funding requests is the beginning of October.
Related Documents
06-30-23 OAA Strategic Planning Committee - Objectives and Goals (PDF 653kB)
06-21-23 OAA Strategic Plan Draft S.M.A.R.T. Goals Feedback Survey Results (PDF 301kB)
06-12-23 OAA Strategic Plan Update Presentation (PDF 425kB)
05-31-23 OAA Strategic Objectives Community Feedback Survey Results (PDF 246kB)
05-22-23 OAA Strategic Plan Presentation (PDF 249kB)
05-17-23 OAA Strategic Planning Committee - Draft Objectives (PDF 209kB)
05-01-2023 OAA Strategic Plan Phase II - Strategic Objectives Survey Results Summary (PDF 151kB)
04-24-23 OAA Strategic Planning Survey Results by Strategic Priority (PDF 131kB)
OAA Stragegic Plan Town Hall 4.10.23 (PDF 450kB)
OAA Strategic Planning Committee Charge (PDF 86kB)
06-20-23 Complete OAA Strategic Plan Survey by 5pm Wednesday (PDF 107kB)
06-8-23 OAA Strategic Plan Phase II Upcoming Community Meeting (PDF 105kB)
05-30-23 Final Reminder to Complete the OAA Strategic Plan Survey (PDF 85kB)
05-24-23 Reminder to Complete the OAA Strategic Plan Survey (PDF 166kB)
05-22-23 OAA Strategic Plan Elevate '28 Phase II - draft objective feedback and survey (PDF 190kB)
04-20-2023 Deadline Extended - OAA Strategic Plan Survey (PDF 58kB)
04-05-2023 OAA Strategic Planning Phase II Town Hall on Monday, April 10 (PDF 48kB)
04-03-2023 Call For Volunteers (PDF 54kB)
In August 2022, SUNY Empire launched its strategic planning process. The Office of the President formed a Strategic Planning Task Force that led phase one of the 2022-23 strategic planning process, and resulted in a revised mission, vision, values, and priorities statement.
As part of Phase II, Academic Affairs formed the OAA Strategic Planning Committee which will play a vital role in helping shape OAA’s objectives and goals for the next five years. Formed from a pool of OAA volunteers, the committee will meet weekly until July 1, 2023. This web site was created to document this committee's work and to archive related communications and documents.
OAA Strategic Planning Committee
- Eileen McDonnell (Co-Chair)
- Lisa D'Adamo-Weinstein (Co-Chair)
- Jenny Mincin
- Rick Savior
- Dana Brown
- Audra Buchanan
- Carl Burkart
Committee Support
- Amanda Mickel