Services Offered
The Office of Sponsored Programs is committed to assisting those seeking external funding. Whether you are a seasoned proposal writer or a novice, the office provides a wide range of services that support the full spectrum of the grant proposal and award process at SUNY Empire.
If you are considering writing a proposal and would like to take full advantage of the services available, please contact the Office of Sponsored Programs. Among the services faculty and staff can expect are:
Proposal Development includes assistance in:
- the search for potential sponsors,
- notifications of new sponsor initiatives,
- the initial inquiry to sponsors,
- the proposal formulation and development, and
- the budget development.
Intention to Submit If you intend to submit to an opportunity, please contact the Office of Sponsored Programs with the following information:
- PDF or link to the proposal opportunity/RFP,
- A basic sketch or abstract of your program or project,
- Estimated budget and any required cost share,
- Timeline of the project,
- Potential partners and/or subcontractors, and
- Supervisor’s approval (copy them onto the email to OSP).
Proposal Submission includes:
- review for institutional and sponsor compliance,
- acquisition of all institutional signatures, and
- submission of the proposal to the sponsor.
Award Management includes:
- notifications of awards received,
- account set up,
- reminders to the project director of any sponsor requirements during the project period such as reports,
- sponsor notifications or requests to the sponsor for any changes to the project during the project period, and
- account closeout.
Other Services (upon request):
- proposal writing workshops,
- access to Candid Learning video training courses,
- instruction on the use of the FoundationSearch database, and
- support for the use of the SUNY Research Foundation Report Center.
Office of Sponsored Programs Service Standards (PDF 687kB)