Facilities Use Policy and Procedures


Office of Administration


Senior Director of Facilities


Facilities Management



Effective Date:


Implementation History:

First Draft; revisions 11/1/2018


Facilities, Building Use, Room Rental

Background Information:

SUNY Empire State University makes conference rooms and other public areas available for use by noncommercial organizations and for the University's continuing education contract services. This policy applies to facilities owned or leased by the University and furthers the University's commitment to education and public service. The conference rooms and other public areas will be made available when such use does not infringe upon, delay or conflict with the normal operation of the university.


This policy was created in accordance with SUNY Policy document #5603 "State College of New York, College Policy on the Use of College Facilities by Noncommercial Organizations” (Appendix A) and addresses requirements for noncommercial organizations as well as University-owned events to ensure safe and fair use of state facilities. Procedures for this policy help to organize and administer the use of facilities including room reservations, automatic locking and unlocking of doors, room set up, safety and security and janitorial services.



This policy incorporates and appends the provisions, definitions, and requirements of SUNY Policy #5603 “Use of Facilities by Non-Commercial Organizations”

First priority for the use of the facilities must be given to University programs offered as part of its instructional, community and/or public meetings/programs. Preference will be given to alumni groups, local nonprofits and other educational organizations.

Individuals or groups may not bring alcoholic beverages into the facility except in the case of catered events and accordance with the SUNY Empire State University Alcohol Beverage Guidelines (Appendix B).

Rental of all equipment (tables, table covers, audio-visual equipment, etc.) should include making arrangements for delivery, set up and removal of said equipment.

Facilities must be left in the condition in which they were found including the removal of trash from tables and placing it in trash receptacles; otherwise security deposit will be forfeited.

Approval for events must be granted from the Vice President of Administration using the procedures listed below.

The University president, or his/her designee, shall issue a revocable permit to each non-commercial organization authorized to use University facilities in accordance with this policy.

Use of University facilities for political purposes will be granted in accordance with the SUNY Empire State University Guidelines for Political Activity at University Facilities (Appendix C).

Applicable Legislation and Regulations

SUNY Policy #5603 “Use of Facilities by Non-Commercial Organizations”

Related References, Policies, Procedures, Forms and Appendices


All facility users must provide the following:

       i.  “Application to Use the Facilities” (Form A) at least one month prior to the scheduled use. Records of this form will be held by the office of administration.

       ii.  In accordance with the SUNY Empire Child Protection Policy, if any children under the age of 17 may be in attendance, the “Application to Host an Event with Children Under the Age of 17” (Form B) must be filled out at least one month prior to the scheduled use.  

      iii.  A signed State University of New York Revocable Permit (Appendix D) which includes the following requirements,

      iv.  General Liability Insurance with limits no less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per claim and Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) in the aggregate to indemnify and hold harmless Empire State University and the State University of New York.

      v.  Workers Compensation, Disability Benefits, and Paid Family Leave coverage for the life of this Permit for the benefit of employees required to be covered by the New York State Workers Compensation Law and the New York State Disability Benefits and Paid Family Leave Law, or proof of exemption.

      vi.  If alcohol will be served Empire State University Alcoholic Beverage Guidelines must be followed with the second page included into the Revocable Permit (Appendix B and D).


In order to cover operational expenses the university charges a fee to every organization using the facilities. Fees are assessed according to building, length of use and equipment used.  

A portion of the fees is refundable up to 24 hours before the time of scheduled use.



Form A - Application for Use of Facilities (PDF 331kB)

Form B - Approval to host an event with children under the age of 17 (PDF 58kB)


Appendix A - SUNY Policy document #5603 "State College of New York, College Policy on the Use of College Facilities by Noncommercial Organizations”

Appendix B - Alcoholic Beverages Guidelines (file 19kB)

Appendix C - SUNY Empire State Guidelines for Political Activity at University Facilities (file 14kB)

Appendix D - Revocable Permit Use of College Facilities (Example) (PDF 4,326kB)

Appendix E - Additional Procedures for Tents and Canopies Larger than 400 Square Feet (PDF 130kB)

Exhibit A - Standard Contract Clauses State University of New York (file 74kB)