Continuing, Modifying or Closing Down Research Projects
Continuing Your Project
All research that is approved under Expedited or Standard review is approved for a calendar year. If you wish to continue a project in any way (continuing data collection, data analysis, etc.), you must submit a Continuation Request before the expiration of your approval. If your approval period expires and you wish to continue the project, you will be required to submit a new, full IRB application.
IRB Continuation Form (PDF 147kB)
Modifying Your Project
If you wish to modify your project in any substantial way, including altering anything in the consent process, recruitment, or research procedures, you must submit a Modification Request and be approved, before you can make the changes.
IRB Modification Form (PDF 152kB)
Closing Down Your Project
If the closing down of your project is significantly different from what you planned it to be, as submitted in your original or modified IRB application, please contact the chair of the IRB to discuss whether or not any IRB-related actions need to be taken. Generally, if you are closing down your project as expected and described in your original or modified IRB application, no IRB-related action is needed at the end of projects.
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