PC Acquisition & Replacement Procedures

PC Acquisition & Replacement Procedures


Chief Information Officer


Director of User Support Services


Information Security and Technology



Effective Date:


Implementation History:

Effective Date was 07/17/2013, revised 07/01/2022


PC acquisition, PC replacement, laptops, docking stations, workstations, new hire equipment, new hire devices, computer replacement, desktop equipment renewal, computer equipment upgrade

Background Information:

The acquisition of new and replacement of outdated PC equipment throughout the university has traditionally been founded upon ad hoc one-time funding requests followed by central acquisition and replacement efforts. Such practices have led to inconsistent renewal of PC equipment, irregular workloads for technical support staff, unpredictable interruptions for computer users, unpredictable fluctuations in operational base budgets, irregular inventories of PC equipment, and often large numbers of outdated equipment in need of replacement at one time. An underlying concern is the need to provide laptops that support hybrid and/or remote work at home as well as in the office under any telecommuting agreements in effect at SUNY Empire.


This procedure ensures SUNY Empire State University personnel have access to current computing technology required to fulfill the responsibilities of their jobs. It provides for scheduled replacement of PC workstations used for daily work; mitigating risk of equipment failure and incapability due to equipment age; encouraging consistent university-wide equipment standards and user support; limiting unnecessary or extended interruptions to computer users; and providing predictable annual PC equipment replacement costs for budget purposes.


  1. PC Equipment: personal computer and related accessories (e.g. monitors, soundbar, webcam, headphones, mouse, etc.) used to provide access to computing or network resources for an individual’s office or touchdown spaces.
  2. Workstations: a laptop with docking station or a desktop PC station to provide employee access to computing or network resources. Both types of workstations shall include 2 monitors, a soundbar, a webcam, a keyboard, headphones, a mouse, etc.
  3. Full-time employees: university employees with a line of 50% or more, as defined by the role and responsibilities of that employee’s position.
  4. Part-time employees: university employees with a line under 50%, as defined by the role and responsibilities of that employee’s position.
  5. Technical Support Services (TSS): the division of Information Technology Services (ITS) that is responsible for hardware desktop support services.


  1. Information Technology Services (ITS) shall be the sole department that budgets for funds, purchases equipment comprising laptops with docking workstations, PC workstations, and any additional PC equipment. Departments outside of ITS are not budgeted for this purpose.
  2. ITS shall provide a current listing of the specifications regarding what constitutes a standard laptop. See http://sunyempire.edu/media/oit/standard-desktop-specs.pdf.
  3. SUNY Empire State University maintains a one device policy for all full-time employees. Each full-time employee is assigned one workstation.
  4. SUNY Empire State University shall provide on-site access to shared workstations for part-time employees.
  5. Requests for new employee workstations shall be routed through the ITS Service Desk at www.esc.edu/service-desk by the hiring manager.
    1. New full-time employees shall be provisioned with a standard workstation via the Technology Account Request.
    2. Supervisors requesting a workstation for employees beyond the standard or requesting PC equipment for general departmental use must complete the appropriate pre-approval request with appropriate authorization signatures for approval prior to submitting a request through the IT Service Desk.
    3. Once pre-approval has been authorized by the appropriate party, requests for a workstation outside of the standard configuration can then be submitted via the IT Service Desk at www.esc.edu/service-desk.  
  6. Information Technology Services shall assure annual budgeting and planning for regular replacement/renewal of university PC equipment and workstations. Replacement/renewal of PC equipment and workstations shall be dependent upon funds available.
    1. Workstations are assumed to have a five-year useful life and shall be replaced/renewed on a five-year cycle.
    2. Machines with physical hardware issues between three to five years of age, past their three-year warranty with the manufacturer, shall be evaluated by TSS staff to determine if a replacement part or device is more cost-effective before the scheduled replacement date.
    3. Machines used as a shared workstation will be replaced/renewed on an as needed basis as determined by TSS staff. 
  7. TSS shall submit a proposed PC Equipment Replacement/Renewal Plan to the Chief Information Officer (CIO) by July 1 each year. The proposed plan shall identify the laptop and desktop workstations for replacement and renewal during the ensuing fiscal year. A report will be run by TSS listing all assets due for replacement and renewal for each location by Username, Asset Number and Original Acquisition Date to facilitate this process. The plan shall propose a schedule by which replacement/renewal to take place as assets become available within the fiscal year. The number of workstations replaced/renewed each year at a location shall not exceed one third of the total number of workstations at that location.
    1. The TSS staff member resident at each location shall prioritize the oldest workstations for replacement/renewal; replace workstations to maintain currency; update university inventory records; and route outdated equipment in accordance with university surplus property policies and procedures.
  8. The CIO shall review all proposed PC Equipment Replacement/Renewal Plans; delegate ITS personnel to coordinate equipment acquisition and delivery schedules universitywide; and approve funding with the Chief Financial Officer to purchase and arrange for the delivery of workstation equipment.
    1. Workstations shall be replaced with equipment identified as the current university standards as posted on the ITS website.
    2. TSS shall assure that purchase quantities and delivery dates are consistent with approved replacement/renewal plans and meet the needs of the location.
    3. TSS staff shall assure that workstations delivered to the end user have been imaged and software installed consistent with the current university standards as posted on ITS website.
    4. TSS shall document all updates in compliance with the university’s "Equipment Management Policy."
  9. Requests for exceptions to these procedures shall originate from the appropriate dean or vice president be routed to the CIO.

Applicable Legislation and Regulations

Related References, Policies, Procedures, Forms and Appendices