Identification Card Policy

Identification Card Policy


Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance


Director of Emergency Management and Public Safety





Effective Date:


Implementation History:



Identification card

Background Information:


It is the policy of Empire State University (SUNY Empire) to issue identification cards on behalf of the institution to its students upon request.



It is recommended, but not required, that students seeking access to a SUNY Empire location for any reason possess and present a SUNY Empire identification card. If a student does not have a SUNY Empire identification card on their person, the student must have a government-issued photo identification card for access to a SUNY Empire location. Individuals may be required to reveal their faces (e.g., if wearing a mask) to confirm their identity to maintain campus safety or security.

Intentional refusal to present a SUNY Empire identification card or government-issued identification card upon request by a University official; alteration or falsification of data on a SUNY Empire identification card; creation and/or distribution of falsified SUNY Empire identification cards; using a SUNY Empire identification card to impersonate others; or refusal to reveal one’s face to confirm identity; are violations of this policy and may result in disciplinary action.

It is the student’s responsibility to replace their SUNY Empire identification card if it is stolen, lost, bent, broken, or worn beyond the point of readability. Replacement cards may be obtained through the Office of Emergency Management and Public Safety in accordance with fees labeled on the card.

SUNY Empire identification cards are provided for appropriate identification purposes and access to University buildings. The cards are not transferable and are valid as long as the holder continues their specific affiliation with the University unless otherwise noted on the card. Lost or stolen cards should be reported immediately to the Office of Emergency Management and Public Safety.

The University is not liable for damages incurred if an ID is lost and used by another individual.

Applicable Legislation and Regulations

Related References, Policies, Procedures, Forms and Appendices