Personal Wheeled and Electronic Vehicle Policy

Personal Wheeled and Electronic Vehicle Policy


Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance


Director of Emergency Management and Public Safety


Safety and Security



Effective Date:


Implementation History:

First draft 9/2023


E-Scooter, E-Bikes, scooter, skateboard, bicycle

Background Information:

Empire State University recognizes that students, faculty, and staff use wheeled vehicles or devices for personal transportation (skateboards, rollerblades, bicycles, electric scooters, electric bikes, and other wheeled vehicles or devices) at SUNY Empire locations as a mode of transportation. In some cases, wheeled vehicles or personal transportation devices pose a fire risk due to non-UL listed batteries used for these devices. Storage and parking for these vehicles is also limited.


To establish the policy for operation, charging, and storage of wheeled vehicles on campus. 

To continue to provide for the open use of these modes of transportation to and from university property while maintaining a safe environment, the policy below is adopted.


Campus – Any university owned, leased, licensed, or operated space, facility, property, grounds, equipment motor vehicle or building.

University – Includes all Empire State University locations.

Public Areas – An area open for public use.

Wheeled and Electronic Vehicles – Includes but is not limited to skateboards, rollerblades, bicycles, electric scooters, electric bikes, and other wheeled vehicles and devices.


Wheelchairs, strollers, and medically required mobility devices are excluded from this policy.

Wheeled vehicles or devices powered by non-UL-listed power sources are prohibited.

Wheeled vehicles shall not be parked in pedestrian walkways, doorways, handicap ramps, or any area where the devices obstruct mobility of others.

No wheeled vehicle or device for personal transportation may be used/operated in any university building.

No wheeled vehicle or device (or their batteries) may be stored overnight in university buildings.

Only vehicles that can fold or are collapsible may be stored with the owner in the classroom or office or outside of egress.

Wheeled and electric vehicles must always be in the possession of the owner.

Charging these vehicles in any university location is prohibited.

Vehicle or device usenot adhering to these policies is subject to student conduct or discipline consistent with the terms and conditions of applicable collective bargaining agreements.

Applicable Legislation and Regulations

NYS Vehicle & Traffic Laws, including Chapter 71, Title 7, chapters 34-C and 34-D

Related References, Policies, Procedures, Forms and Appendices

Application for use of the Designated Public Forum (PDF 124kB)