OAA Professional Staff and Provost Office Listing and Contact Information
Rai Kathuria, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
800-847-3000, ext. 2263, rai.kathuria@sunyempire.edu
Robert Sanders, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
518-587-2100, robert.sanders@sunyempire.edu
Seana Logsdon, Associate Provost for Student Success
518-587-2100, ext. 3206 seana.logsdon@sunyempire.edu
Nicola Marae Allain, Dean, School of Arts and Humanities
518-587-2100 ext. 2776, nicola.allain@sunyempire.edu
Julie Gedro, Dean, School of Business
585-224-3260, julie.gedro@sunyempire.edu
Desalyn De-Souza, Dean, School of Human Services
315-460-3145, desalyn.de-souza@sunyempire.edu
Mary Mawn, Dean, School of Science, Mathematics, and Technology
518-587-2100 ext. 2587, mary.mawn@sunyempire.edu
Gina Torino, Dean, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
646-230-1532, gina.torino@sunyempire.edu
Audeliz Matías, Interim Dean, School for Graduate Studies
518-587-2100, audeliz.matias@sunyempire.edu
Maureen Kroning, Interim Dean, School of Nursing and Allied Health
Gina Torino, Interim Dean, Harry Van Arsdale Jr. School of Labor Studies
917-612-9133, gina.torino@sunyempire.edu
Francesca Cichello, Senior Executive Director of Extended and International Education
518-580-4844, francesca.cichello@sunyempire.edu
Eileen McDonnell, Executive Director, Institutional Planning and Effectiveness
518-587-2100 or 800-847-3000, ext. 2299, eileen.mcdonnell@sunyempire.edu
Christine Paige, Executive Director, SUNY Empire Online
518-587-2100 or 800-847-3000, christine.paige@sunyempire.edu
Pamela Enser, Registrar
518-587-2100, pamela.enser@sunyempire.edu