October 29, 2021
SUNY Empire’s Applied Behavior Analysis Program Verified by Association for Behavior Analysis International
Verification supplements program's current standing as a New York State licensure-qualifying program in applied behavior analysis

(SARATOGA SPRINGS, NY — OCTOBER 29, 2021) The Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) recently verified SUNY Empire State College's Applied Behavior Analysis program as a Verified Course Sequence (VCS). As a VCS, SUNY Empire’s Applied Behavior Analysis program meets specific coursework requirements, content hours, and faculty standards.
The VCS makes students eligible to apply for the Behavior Analyst Certification Board examination and obtain the Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) international and national credential. Applied behavior analysts use the science and principles of behavior to help individuals make meaningful changes in their behavior or in the behavior of those they support.
SUNY Empire is one of only 18 institutions in New York state with verified coursework requirements for eligibility to take the Board Certified Behavior Analyst or Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst examination.
SUNY Empire State College will launch its Master of Science in Applied Behavior Analysis program in Spring 2022. This fully online program is paired with required clinical experiences to prepare students to become BCBAs and New York state licensed behavior analysts. Students can acquire field experience in a variety of settings, including schools, residential facilities, and healthcare organizations.
SUNY Empire State College Officer in Charge Nathan Gonyea, Ph.D., said, “We are honored that the Association for Behavior Analysis International has verified our new M.S. in applied behavior analysis curriculum. Not only does it underscore the rigor and relevance of our degree program, but it also helps ensure that our graduates meet or exceed quality standards for the care and support of individuals with disabilities, including autism spectrum disorders.”
SUNY Empire State College Acting Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Tai Arnold, Ph.D., said, “I am so proud that our master’s program, which enables students to become New York State Licensed Behavior Analysts, is now recognized by such a prestigious national organization. SUNY Empire is leading the way in supporting neurodiverse individuals with advocacy and education programs that make a difference.”
SUNY Empire State College Assistant Professor in Applied Behavior Analysis Lauren Lestremau Allen, Ph.D., BCBA-D, NCSP, LP said, “We are overjoyed that SUNY Empire students will be prepared to deliver high-quality, compassionate, and value-driven behavior analytic services to improve the quality of life of individuals in New York, across the nation, and internationally.”
Learn more about SUNY Empire's Master of Science in Applied Behavior Analysis.